Content Update

Change the frequency in which each tile updates.

Click "Customize" to begin editing the Screen's content settings:

Main tile switch

This setting controls the speed at which Landscape content rotates. If I have two Landscape content pieces assigned to this screen, it will currently play for 20 seconds before switching to the next content piece. This is only applicable to images, not videos.

Left tile switch

This setting controls the speed at which Left content rotates. If I have two Left content pieces assigned to this screen, it will currently play for 15 seconds before switching to the next Left content piece.

Feeds scroll speed

This setting controls the speed at which the Bottom tile scrolls.

The lower the number, the faster it scrolls.

Font size

This setting sets the size of the text in the Bottom tile.

Font type

This setting sets the style of the font in the Bottom tile.

Last updated