
Learn how to setup libraries to store your content, themes, or stickers.

Inside your Scholastic Network dashboard, navigate to your Library portal:

Think of a library like a folder on your computer -- it is simply just there to hold your files.

Under "Libraries" tab, this is where all your libraries will live:

Local vs Global


This is a private library that can only be accessed by groups you allow.


This is a public library that The Scholastic Network provides and maintains.

Create a Library

Click on "Create" to start setting up a library:

Types of libraries

You have some different options here on what type of library you want to setup. You can learn about each type of library here:


Click on "Themes" to create a library to hold your themes:

Give the library a name and select what Groups will have access to this library:

That's it, you've setup a library that you can now use to upload themes to!

Remember, this library is simply a folder that will hold your themes. To learn how to actually utilize the library, reference:

Last updated