
Learn how to create templates to speed up your content creation process inside of the creative portal.

Inside your Scholastic Network dashboard, navigate to your Library portal:

Click on the "Themes" tab:

Local Themes

This scope will show you all theme libraries that your group(s) has access to:

Global Themes

This scope will show you all theme libraries that the Scholastic Network provides and maintains for you:

Scholastic Network maintains hundreds of themes that are available for you inside the Global Themes Library.

Use Theme Library

To use the themes inside of a library, go to the Content portal and open the creative portal or click this link: Creative Portal

When you're building content inside of the creative portal, all themes are accessible under "More themes":

From there, I can select to use one of my local themes and start building my content piece:

Create a Theme

Click on the "Themes" tab from within the Library portal:

Find the theme library you want to create a theme for, and then click "Upload" and select the type of theme, either Landscape or Left:

If there are no theme libraries showing for you here, please create a theme library first. Learn here:

Click "Use creative" to start building the theme inside of the creative portal:

Theme Components

The reason of making a theme is to keep everything consistent. Make sure to set all of these variables:

Background image

Upload a background image by clicking "Upload background". This will take up the entirety of the background:

Text color

Choose a text color that contrasts nicely with your background:

Text box position

Position the text box in an area that doesn't distract from the text:


Choose a font style that is legible and fits your brand's standards:

From here, you can add more elements onto the theme such as images, stickers, or more text boxes by clicking "Add elements":

Once your theme is perfect, click "Create", select or create the tags, and then click "Done":

Adding tags to themes is great for organization and will help you find exact themes when searching for them later. Think of tags as categories.

Last updated