
This type of content accepts images only and occupies the left tile on the screen. This tile is conventionally used for school branding.

Screen Tile

Left content occupies the following tile when running the screen in "3-Landscape" format:

If a screen is running in the "Landscape" format, it will not show Left content.


The ideal dimensions for Left Content is 444x842px or a ratio of 9:16. If you're creating content off-site such as through Google Slides, Photoshop, Canva, etc, you will want to export with those dimensions.

You do not need to have perfect dimensions when uploading content. Our system will stretch what you upload to make it fit, but this isn't preferable as it leads to distortion.

Files Types


You can upload JPEG, JPG, or PNG. We take more types than that, so just give your image a try and see if our system will take it. If not, there are multiple, free web-based converters online such as https://cloudconvert.com/png-to-jpg where you can convert your file into JPEG.

We recommend uploading JPEG images for the highest possible quality.


Left content does not currently support video.

Last updated